We have selected the best offers for you. Here’s how you can avail these Special Student
- Use the booking form above to book international tickets. Just select specially highlighted student fares.
- OR Call our International flights helpline to book your ticket.
Remember to keep your student ID and I-20 form handy for verification. The Yatra Customer Service Executive will tell you how you can send it to us.
Air India | Emirates | Finnair | United Airline
Air India
Extra Baggage Allowance:
- For USA and Canada: Free 1 additional bag (max weight 23kgs) valid up to final destination city.
- For interior points in USA: Excess Baggage facilities applicable on American Airlines / US Airways / Continental Airlines / United Airline / Delta Airways & Air Canada only
- No charge for first change of date.
- Waiver of cancellation charges if proof of Visa rejection is provided.
- Free FFP membership and 2000 mileage points on enrolment.
Extra Baggage Allowance for Students traveling to the USA
- One additional piece of 23 kgs allowed for students travelling from India to New York (JFK), Houston (IAH), Los Angeles (LAX), and San Francisco (SFO) in Economy class.
- Extra baggage allowance is offered on both one-way and return tickets, for travel from May 10 - September 10, 2010.
Extra Baggage Allowance for Students traveling to the UK and Australia
- 10 kg extra baggage allowance for students travelling from India to the UK (London, Manchester, Glasgow, Newcastle and Birmingham) and Australia (Sydney, Melbourne, Perth and Brisbane) in Economy class
- Extra baggage allowance is offered on one-way and return tickets for travel from May 10 - September 10, 2010.
Book your ticket with Yatra to avail these specially discounted fares:
Country | One-way Fares Staring From |
Europe | Rs 8, 740* |
New York | Rs 16, 800* |
Extra Baggage Allowance
- Extra baggage allowance on 10kgs to students traveling to Europe.
Extra Baggage Allowance
- Special additional benefits to students traveling to North America from June 1 - September 15, 2010.
- An extra baggage allowance of 23 kgs will be offered to students traveling from India to North America, till the first destination point in the US and not final interior point.
Matrix Offer
Country Specific SIM Cards at Discounted Price
- Rs 250 discount per month on airtime billing for the First 3 months on Matrix SIM cards
- This offer is valid till 31 December 2010 only on annual student plans for USA and UK
- This offer is valid only for students who book their international air tickets through Yatra.com and cannot club this offer with any other Matrix marketing offer
- The student has to present his university offer letter at the time of sign up
- Copy of Student VISA, passport and credit card copy has to be given at the time of sign up
- To avail the offer mail us the details at :inquiry@matrix.in or call 053222 32222